Get Results That Exceed Your Expectations

My primary passion is helping people. It’s why I became a doctor in emergency medicine. But since I was first introduced to mindset and the power of our minds at the young age of 15, I have become increasingly passionate about and interested in this incredible industry.

But who in their right mind would want to stop being a doctor and pursue a career in mindset teaching and mentoring? Well after years and years of listening to my own doubts and fears, (more than 20 years in fact!), I finally made the commitment 3 years ago to pursue my true love and passions full time!

Fortuitously I had the amazing opportunity to become a Proctor Gallagher Consultant and to be mentored by a Living Legend and mindset master, the incredible Bob Proctor. I grabbed the opportunity with both hands, both feet and my teeth!

Was it easy?… No!

Facing down your own years and years of well-established beliefs, paradigms, fears and doubts is difficult. Combine that with the terror of moving away from my secure career in medicine, and most people would retreat back to a life less spectacular than the life that they dreamed of… 

But I faced down my fears, doubts and worries, and I took action. 

However, my doctor ego stepped in, and I made the terrible mistake of hiding all of my insecurities, doubts and fears by pretending to know everything better. I didn’t accept any help and advice from my mentors. And to top it all off, I didn’t follow the proven system provided to me! Masses of pride and ego got in my way and I went off on my own journey… A frustrating and painful journey of trial and error and self discovery that led me full circle back to where I had begun!

But I don’t regret or resent this journey because it’s brought me to where I am now and to who I am now – one of Bob Proctor’s top 1% Consultants! It’s taught me so much and it allows me to totally relate with others who are on similar journeys. It helps me be direct and hold my clients accountable so that they don’t make the same mistakes that I made…

To accept help from your mentors and FOLLOW THEIR PROVEN SYSTEM!

As you can clearly see, there’s no more pride here. Instead I’m the new me and I’m stronger than ever. I’m more determined than ever to continue to realise my worthy ideal of working closely with Bob Proctor to help thousands of people all around the world! I’m do everything that it takes to get me and my clients what we really want, because I now know that if we don’t sacrifice for what we want, then what we want becomes the sacrifice.

Well I won’t sacrifice what I want anymore! Enough is enough…

So what about you? Let me ask you some powerful questions:

  1. Does this resonate with you?
  2. Have you felt for years that there is something incredible within you wanting to express itself?
  3. Do you fear and doubt similar things that I did?
  4. Are these fears and doubts stopping you?
  5. How long are you going to let this continue?

No matter what you’ve done in the past, your future is dependent on what you do TODAY. People often wait for their “golden opportunity” or until it’s “their turn” to be successful. However, those opportunities aren’t handed out. They are created by individuals who are passionate about and determined to improve the quality of their life and the lives of those around them. And most importantly dreams are created by those who TAKE ACTION!

Don’t follow the crowd and wait for your turn. Rather contact me and let’s make it happen together!


Why Choose Me as Your Consultant

If you…

  • Are dissatisfied with your life and your results
  • Don’t follow through or act on what you know or can do
  • Are concerned that you’ll never be as successful as you’d like to be
  • Find it difficult to make decisions – letting procrastination rule your life
  • Create unwanted circumstances in your life because you are focused on the wrong things
  • Need to identify your core strengths, along with how best to leverage them
  • Have something urgent, compelling or exciting that you want, need to be, do or have

I can help!

I am trained in a transformational process that helps both private clients and businesses move from where they are to where they really want to go.

I will show you how to dream and explore so that you come up with the best goals that will propel you towards the vision of your ideal future.

Once your goals are in place, understanding that the mind is the key to breakthroughs and success, my unique processes will disrupt the patterns that have been holding you back for so many years.

Most of us already know what to do to succeed; we just don’t take the actions to follow through. I will help you bridge the knowing/doing gap and step out of your comfort zone to where real growth and better results occur.

Contact me now to learn more.